Vastu Tips for Water Tank (Overhead and Underground)

Water Tank are of two types: one is underground and another is overhead. According to Vaastu-shastra, an underground water tank behaves in different way than the overhead. So, there are different principles for each type of water tank.

Vaastu Tips for Overhead Water Tank

An overhead water tank is one which is placed on roof of the house. Means it puts the heavy load on the part where it is placed. That’s why it’s important is to put it in the proper area according to Vaastu.

Here is what it means:


Apart from all this, here are more Vaastu tips for overhead tank.

What to Avoid

 Underground Water tank Tips

An underground water tank is built by digging in the ground. Means it creates a depression in that area wherever it’s created. So, it’s very important to construct underground tank in the Vaastu permitted area or areas only as per Vaastu shastra. 

Here is what it means:   


Underground Water Tank It’s Effects (Direction-Wise)

Directions Effects of Under-ground Water Tank
Northeast Happiness and Prosperity
North Wealth gaining, Happiness  and Prosperity.
East Prosperity and Wealth Gain.
West Wealth gain; develops interest in Spirituality. Worries.
South Mental Sickness, Loss of Wife. (permitted in 4th pada)
Northwest Enmity, Theft, Progeny affectes; Mental Tension; Loss of Wealth.
Southwest Head of the Family may meet Accident, Violence, total failure in Jobs/Business, Wealth loss, Suicidal thoughts, Family clashes
Southeast (SE) Loss of Wealth. Defames Owner. Kids in Problem. Clashes in family (Women may suffer more).
Center Brahmsthan Bankruptcy and Total destruction of the family
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