Southwest Direction

Southwest area is the corner where South and West intersects.  The ruling planet is Rahu. And deity is “Nairuti” This is the direction of Stability, Skill, Excellence, Family bounding, Growth and Ancestors (Pitra).

To acquire the Skills, blessings of ancestors is important, so keeping ancestors photographs here will be beneficial.  Being entrance of Rahu, Main entrance in Southwest is treated inauspicious. So, never purchase the house with Southwest entrance.  

Toilet in Southwest is a severe defect and will never give economic stability.

Southwest area Kitchen Remedy:

If a woman faces South while cooking, she will become negative in life. [Because negative energy of South possesses that woman]

Woman if faces west while cooking then place a God Hanuman photo backside of that woman.

Keep a pendulum watch in Southwest area. 

The earning member should sleep in the Southwest area, at-least single. [seven days formula].

Place the gas in the Southeast corner of the Kitchen.

Create a mini kitchen in the southeast just boiling Milk or Making a Tea every morning. This will balance the Southeast and you will get benefits of SE to live Healthy life.  

Paint the Southwest area (kitchen) with light Yellow color shades.

Use minimum water in the SW Kitchen, means wash the utensils outside the kitchen, so that Kitchen will dry.

Swimming pool in Southwest area

Southwest Swimming pool:  will create hurdles in the life of Owner or head of the family, this may be in the form of health, wealth with name and fame.

Swimming pool in Southwest area, if it is out of boundary wall, then it can create little bit problems, whereas that swimming pool is away from the house measuring at “double of the height” of the house, then there will be no bad effects at all.  

However, that swimming pool if at close to your house then, hide the visibility of the pool from the house using wooden partition or constructing a compound wall in between Pool and House.

Extension in Southwest

There should not be any extension in Southwest. It should not be left open, being this is heavy direction and requires to be balanced with heavy weight to get good benefits from it.

It is good for storage, dumping heavy stuff, unused machines and over-head tank. Extension in Southwest gives negative results to residents in the field of Health, Loss of Wealth, increase in enemies and involving in unwanted events. Keep Southwest elevated than other directions and it should not be with Kitchen and / or Dining area.

Well in Southwest can cause serious problems, specially to the head of the family. A well or water tank here will be cause for Property or Financial disputes.

An effective remedy for a Southwest water tank (Underground), Borewell is to paint the tank with Yellow color on the top and around.

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