Benefits of House Built According Vaastu Shastra

Benefits of House

Benefits of House built according to Vaastu-Shastra is, it vibrates with cosmic energy. In turn it resounds to these vibrations, to have and experience the supreme bliss in the house built according to Vaastu – Shastra.

In short, this is the science of materialization of energy into matter or material form.

So well begun is half done!  

The space isolated and restricted in four walled structure Building becomes a living organism and will start vibrating in a particular order”

“As if such a building is planned to vibrate in the same numerical order with that of inhabitants, the resultant fact he will experience harmony or may form ideal union with the Universe It-self.

“Dr. V. Ganapathi Sthapati”

“When inner space and outer space vibrate together in harmony then peacefulness, liveliness, health, prosperity becomes the natural order and effortless experience.”

Brahmarishi Mayan, circa 10,500 BC

Following are the Benefits of House built According to Vaastu- shastra which maximize happiness, health and wealth.

Benefits of House and work place in the House built according to Vaastu will:

Wrong placement of Main Entrance door may lead to:


Consideration that Decides Auspicious or Inauspicious Influence on Benefits of House

Environmental Influences & Benefits of House Vaastu

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